. name: tom
. handle: deginge
. occupation: tracker; irc bot
. hair colour: ginger
. group/affils: LoK, Mo'Playaz
. enjoys: dark drum'n'bass aural stimulation; heavy ft2/it2 sessions;
complaining about his pc; keeping lifeless, corpse-like irc
(anti-)chat channels open for too many hours to admit to;
complaining about his isp; reading strange incomprehensible
books by authors of less than sound mind; reading other more
legible sci-fi type book things; talking bollocks; complaining
about £££; smoking rather above the daily recommended dose
of that ol' green stuff; watching windows; complaining about
stuff; watching Prisoner Cell Block H; taking piss out of said
program; contemplating getting his psx chipped; complaining about
his non-chipped psx; being sympathetic...to his dieting wallet; having chronic think-
tank like sessions regarding his future trip to the corner shop ("shall
i buy a Rice Krispy Square...or would a Mr Tom - Seriously Nuts!
provoke a more positive reaction from my nutrient-starved interior?");
waffling; ummm......ok that'll do.
. contact information: you can send email to
or catch me on irc, i usually idle around in #jungle on ircnet and efnet.
. site info: yet another front-end for my tunes...still nothing to shout about
technically, but such is life. curiously, this leads me to thinking...
maybe thats all we get (create?) in life...a front-end, a shell- albiet a variable,
multi-mode, highly sophisticated shell, woven of emotive gestures and
expressions, facial contours and imagery- but still a shell, which
covers our true nature, submerged at some deeper level of consciousness
(ok enough cheese already!)...or something... ...
errm...woops... ok where was i?
right. with this implementation of my site i decided to (try to) keep things
nice and simple, and this is reflected in the four available pages (subject
to change without being mentioned in this text;) that you can access.
this one, info, is self-explanatory- in fact the whole site is, i'm just
writing this to try and buff things out a bit ;)
anyway, in addition to reading this crap, feel free to explore the tunes
page, with a selection of my tunes available to download in their original
module format (.xm or .it), and some wicked tunes by other trackers... ...
on the .ra page you can try before you leech with a nice choice of realaudio
tracks to listen to, by me and other members of my group LoK. finally,
don't forget to 'ave a look at my links page...many good links be here,
albiet chaos rules over order in the categorization department! :)
so, what are you waiting for?
. . d . e . g . i . n . g . e . . . . .
. slow download? check out these mirror sites:
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© deginge@gingenet 1998