Ok, now this will mainly apply to those of you who are into tracking,
but haven't yet established yourself in the tracking 'scene'. Specifically,
it's directed at those of you who haven't got any web space to use to
distribute your mods. What I am offering is a place on the net for
your music, and if you like you can put a web page up for it too.
Now, I must explain that I will only put your tunes up on this site if
I like them! Don't worry, my musical tastes are both wide and weird, so
if your tune is, erm, let us say, 'not normal', have no fear it may well
find a home here :) Also, as this is a free service, I cannot guarantee
that I can keep them up forever; but, if they do go down it will be due
to events beyond my control.
...like the idea? Good. ;)
Send your mods to: choons@gingenet.demon.co.uk
and I'll let you know wot I think :)
Also, feel free to include anything else relevant, i.e. web page for the tune(s), group info etc., and if you simply want more details about this offer then just mail me at the same address.