Lasted updated: 30-Apr-1998
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Q. What is MPEG Layer-3?
It is a compression technique, similar to that used by DCC/Minidisk format and allows Music/Video files to be compressed to a fraction of their original size with minimal loss of quality, hence speeding up download times over the net. For more in-depth info visit or
Q. How do I play MPEG files?
With an MPEG Player! These are available for Mac, Windows, Linux and Dos. Our favourite is WinAmp (& MacAmp) - visit for details. See URL's above for a list of other players.
Q. How do I convert MPEG files to WAV?
With an MPEG decoder such as L3DEC. However, a decent mpeg player will also give you the option to convert to wav files (ie. Winamp), so it's not really necessary to have two seperate programs.
Q. Where are the sounds held on my local hard disk?
The sounds are stored in the players cache and it depends on which player you use. ie. Winamp stores the files in \windows\temp. (NB. Netscape users: If you want to download to a specific directory, press shift while clicking on the sample)
Q. When I click on a sound, why do I get a load of hYrøgl¥PhïX on the screen?
or.. When I click on a sample, why do I get the 'open with..' box?
Your browser is not configured for mp3 files. If you have Netscape, hold shift when you click on the sound, and you will be prompted to save the file to disk. Otherwise, a) Re-install your Mpeg player or b) manually alter the browsers preferences to invoke your Mpeg player when opening files ending in '.mp3'
Q. Do you sell Sample compilation CD's or Zip Disks?
Not at present. We are currently trying to sort out the legal issues so we can sell our own compilations copyright free.
Q. What is the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?
Q. None of the above tips answer my question!
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