Listen Now. RKK-168. DJ Hekla's Selection.

tracklisting (set 1) 35:00 intro / herbie hancock- "raindance" (columbia) / amon tobin- "creatures" (ninja tune) / amon tobin- "tabukula beach resort" (ninja tune) / amon tobin- "chomp samba" (ninja tune) / photek- "rings around saturn" (photek) / photek- "kjz" (science) / microstudio- "cubensis" (carpet bomb) / unagi patrol- "ai" (carpet bomb) / lowfish- "fachinblap" (suction) / third eye foundation- "universal cooler" (planet) / third eye foundation- "science fiction" (domino) / third eye foundation- "sound of violence" (domino) / bowery electric- "blow up" (happy go lucky) / downpour- "her spectre above me" (dropbeat) / brise glace- "angels on installment plan" (skin graft) / stock, hausen & walkman- "stripper" (eerie materials) / arto lindsay- "complicity mix [mutamussik & spit]" (gramavision) / "toasted marhsmallow feet breaks" (dirt style) / req- "subculture" (skint) / dj krush- "fucked up pendulum" (mo'wax) / dj krush- "meiso [dj shadow instrumental]" (mo'wax) / witchman- "hammerhead" (blue angel) / dj vadim- "aural prostitution [david shea's swope mix]" (ninja tune) / monolake- "arte" (din) / various artists- "9" (fat cat) / woodenspoon- "jujasm" (warp) / aphex twin- "bucephalus bouncing ball" (warp) / afx- "laughable butane bob" (warp) / cylob- "industrial folk song [3]" (rephlex) / funkstorung- "funktionstorung" (compost) / funstorung- "beinh" (musik aus strom) / michaelfakesch- "wardhax" (musik aus strom) / gescom- "keynell 2" (skam) / autechre- "second peng" (warp) / lexis- "hypnotise [autechre mix]" (certificate 18) / pushbutton objects- "song [gescom]" (chocolate industries) / airlock- "a1, record 1" (drive-in) / kinesthesia- "german" (rephlex) / panasonic- "radiokemia" (blast first) / philus- "b2" (sahko) / pomassl- "dullnoll" (craft) / general magic & pita- "final fridge" (source) / pole- "raum zwei (din) / kosmos- "syvakosmos" (puu) / farmer's manual- "fm" (mego) / sluta leta- "groover" (mego) / alec empire- "22:24" (grand royal) / tony conrad & faust- "the pyre of angus was in kathmandu" (table of the elements) / crescent- "unitsystem" (planet) / third eye foundation- "the stars" (obsessive eye) / tortoise- "yaus" (duophonic) / paul w teebroke- "m42" (op-art) / richard thomas-"ordure" (lo) / squarepuser- "the barn" (warp) / urban tribe- "forward [forme mix]" (mo'wax) / aural expansion- "[wagon christ mix]" (ssr) / icu- "do the twist" (k) / kundalini- "walking sun" (lo) / saucer- "wurmtrip" (karaoke kalk) / jamielidell- "song" (mosquito) / jamie lidell- "onabouldapushin" (mille plateaux) / speedy j- "ni go snix" (plus 8) / airlock- "ultra blue 2" (drive-in)...

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