"syndrome" by the greatFox words and music by t. guilmette excuse me mr. violin let me tell you about my life about my life you think your petty chores and troubles qualify you in strife so much strife well let me tap you on your privileged shoulder look at what you see what you see what do your little tribulations compare to what is built in me built in me i have the syndrome i cannot walk i cannot sleep everything hurts to me everything you take for granted everyday i have to fight always fight imagine what you'd have to do just to make it through to the night to the night so stuff your chubby self and throw your little problems to the wind to the wind what i have to do to face another day you couldnt begin couldnt even begin i'll see better on the night side copyright 1998 by t. guilmette lyrics included in this mod release with permission of the author this is for all the people who have to struggle to overcome themselves before they try and overcome the world.