who or what is a deginge?
well, i'm actually the ginge, (ginge=red hair), deginge is just a way of typing it that has stuck over the past few years.
... but back in reality, hi, i'm Tom. ;)
hailing from the not-so-sunny shores of the uk, i am a londoner to the core- LONDON MASSIVE! ;) but have recently moved to southend-on-sea coz of employment tings <grrr>... i enjoy listening to and making music, and going clubbing- although sadly i have been living the life of a hermit recently for financial reasons :[ so no clubz fer me. ah well... to make up for it i tend to get stoned as often as possible and attempt to write some choons ;)
other interests of mine are reading, htmling, and... ircing heh 8)
if you want to contact me for any reason at all (record deals, donations etc ;) i'm ginge@gingenet.demon.co.uk and you can also catch me idling around in #jungle on ircnet and efnet.
shout must go out to all LoK members - makin' waves on da net with each new release! ;) and largin' up the shouts to all at #jungle, #ukscene and #trax on ircnet, as well as #jungle and #trax on efnet.
also to all other tracking groups out there- 'specially the ones kickin' out dem dark jungle soundz- better dubs on the net than any record shop yes mate hehe ;)
and finally i want to say hi to all my family (as more of them seem to be getting online these days ;) - luv ya!
© deginge@gingenet 1998