here are my tunes. :)
as well as my tracks you will see several cool tunes by other trackers. i'm offering a bit of space here for good trackers to put their tunes on, so if you are in need of some space either mail for info or check out one of my other sites for more details: | |

download from ostsoul, atcat,, an ther site, or listen in ealaudio if available.

tune tracker format .zip size files
tread wibby deginge .it 9.1gb
don't give it the large son or i'llkillya deginge and wibble .xm 11k

and if you haven't already... DOWNLOAD NOW! :)
fasttracker 2 (280k)
impulse tracker 2 (1mb)
if you have an mmx machine, get the new mmx drivers for it2 (50k)
(unfortunately i have a mere 486 :[ oh well... :)

for those of you unfamiliar with tracking: these are basically the most highly regarded tracker programs around for the pc; nearly everyone who tracks on a pc uses one of them to create their music. i use impulse tracker these days, which is technically a more powerful program (whereas fasttracker is easier to use), but i must admit i only changed from fasttracker when i was forced to by pc troubles ;>
also i would like to say a big THANK YOU! to starbreeze studios for fasttracker and to jeffrey lim for impulse tracker- nice one! if i ever get rich i will send some bux your way ;)

© deginge@gingenet 1998