DREAD BULL AUDIO is a sound sample library for experimental musicians and producers with eclectic tastes. If a sound turns us on, it goes in, regardless of style. Sounds are added/updated regularly unlike a static sample archive or cd-rom. All sounds on our web site are in mpeg format and are free to download subject to our terms & conditions.
We would appreciate some comments, suggestions, praise or abuse! So, please leave a message on our board, or mail us.
Please note: As of 28-May-1998, we've re-structured our server directories to monitor & reduce bandwidth useage. If you get 'file not found' messages when trying to load the samples you need to empty your browsers cache.
Release 2.1 - Last Updated: 29th May 1998.
May-1998 | Entire site converted to MPEG Layer-3 Compression We've dropped the Adpcm Wav format and switched to MPEG Layer-3 format. MPEG has the advantage of tighter compression, better sound quality and support for many platforms. Freeware & shareware MPEG Players are available for Linux, Windows, Mac & Dos. See links |
May-1998 | Increased Server Space We've doubled our available server space, and with the use of MPEG compression we can pack loads more sounds in! |
May-1998 | New Samples Added many new samples in all categories. |
May-1998 | CD Compilations? Many of you have requested sounds on CD-ROM/Zip drive, especially those wanting the 16 bit source WAV files. Well, we're working on this! Our problem is the copyright issue. If demand grows sufficiently, we intend to compile 500meg of high quality un-compressed copyright free WAV files on a CD-ROM and sell it via mail order. The more feedback we get on this, the more likely we are to get our asses in gear! So, if you are interested, please mail us at cdrom@dreadbull.demon.co.uk |
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Thanks to everyone who gave us feedback & support on Release 1.0 - Keep it coming!
© 1998 Dread Bull Audio, P.O. Box 2054, CR4 2YU, UK.
Built and maintained by webmaster@dreadbull.demon.co.uk