Music/Audio Related Links

Last updated 12-May-1998

URL Description
www.winamp.com Winamp/Macamp - Excellent Mpeg player for Win95/Mac (Shareware) Highly recommended!
www.layer3.org Everything you wanted to know about Mpeg Layer-3 format! Includes reviews and links to many Mpeg players and decoders.
www.mpeg.org Definitive guide to all the Mpeg formats.
maplay1.2+ Mpeg player for many platforms. FREEWARE
www.syntrillium.com Cooledit96 - Excellent Audio Editor for Win95. (Shareware)
www.propellerheads.se Rebirth 338: Two 303's, an 808 and a 909!
This software is the best thing since...err...the TB303!
www.synthzone.com Healthy selection of links to audio related sites.
www.timespace.com Sample CD's & CD-ROMS. They tend to be extremely over-priced, but there is a huge selection and sometimes they have special offers, trials etc.
www.samplezone.co.uk Reasonably-ish priced Sample CD-ROMS.
www.brains.demon.co.uk Demon 'Site of Sites'. The fastest way to find the finest Demon web sites.

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